Package qbiome

Microbiome Analysis Powered By Recursive Quasi-species Networks:


Uncovering rules of organization, competition, succession and exploitation


pip install qbiome or pip3 install qbiome --user


Depends on the quasinet package, which is installed automatically. For visualization, the graph-tool package is required, which is not installed automatically. Please install graph-tool separately for full functionality with directions from here.



  • joblib errors: might require latest joblib version. In some python 3.8 installations, joblib 0.16.0 might be required. This is an open issue which is being addressed.
  • nan/Nan appearing in quantized inputs: get_qnet_inputs should not return any nan/Nan, which causes errors in downstream processing. The input to qnet inferrence should consist of letters A,B,… or the empty string for missing data.
  • Infinite value error raised from sklearn: This can happen if using the random forest regressor; in particular, if qbiome.forecaster is not called prior to Quantizer.apply_random_forest_regressor with the same start week. Note that the forecaster step is expected to remove all missing data, without which the random forest regressor cannot be applied.


Zero Knowledge Discovery, The University of Chicago

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# Microbiome Analysis Powered By Recursive Quasi-species Networks:

    Uncovering rules of organization, competition, succession and exploitation


## Installation:
      pip install qbiome 
      pip3 install qbiome --user 

## Notes:
   Depends on the `quasinet` package, which is 
   installed automatically. For visualization, the [graph-tool]( package is required, which is not installed automatically. Please install graph-tool separately for full functionality with directions from [here](

## Examples:
   + Basic usage: (
      - See also: [Medium article](
   + Publication examples: (


## FAQ:
  + <u>`joblib errors`:</u> might require latest joblib version. In some python 3.8 installations, joblib 0.16.0 might be required. This is an open issue which is being addressed.
  + <u>`nan/Nan` appearing in quantized inputs:</u> `get_qnet_inputs` should not return any `nan/Nan`, which causes errors in downstream processing. The input to qnet inferrence should consist of letters `A,B,...` or the empty string for missing data.
  + <u>Infinite value error raised from `sklearn`:</u> This can happen if using the random forest regressor; in particular, if `qbiome.forecaster` is not called prior to `Quantizer.apply_random_forest_regressor` with the same start week. Note that the forecaster step is expected to remove all missing data, without which the random forest regressor cannot be applied.


## Contact:
  [Zero Knowledge Discovery](, The University of Chicago


